SysInfo MBOX Exporter is one of the best utilities available in the market. It is known for its swift and safe conversion process. The software can transfer MBOX files into file extensions such as TXT, DOC, DOCM. The MBOX file converter can easily export MBOX online to PST, PDF, EML, AOL, MHTML, HTML, EMLX, MSG, and OST. The utility saves MBOX files into image file types such as TIFF, JPG, PNG, GIF. It also clear and eliminates duplicate emails from MBOX File. The MBOX exporter permits its users to import MBOX files into Yahoo, Office 365, Opera Mail, Thunderbird, Gmail, MS Outlook, Live Exchange, IMAP, and Hotmail. The utility also offers the option of preview to its users. This feature allows its users to view their MBOX files in the preview panel before performing the conversion process. The utility allows its users to operate MBOX file conversion in bulk. It is able to convert the batch MBOX files into different file formats with a single click. The MBOX converter program provides two options for exporting purpose in dual formats: Add File Mode and Add Folder Mode. Moreover, the software exports user's MBOX files into CSV formats. The software is capable of maintaining the hierarchy of the native folder. The Freeware MBOX file exporter can convert different MBOX/MBX/MBS/.mbox files at the same time. The utility offers the feature of the Naming Convention that can rename the saved file as per the user's preference. It also has the option of Date Range Feature to filter unnecessary MBOX Files. SysInfo shareware MBOX Migrator software is created with a simple and user-friendly interface. The utility is widely compatible and runs smoothly on Windows 10 and its prior versions. Also, it offers the option of a Free MBOX File Exporter. This is a Free version of the MBOX Converter tool that can convert MBOX files up to 50 relevant files free of cost.
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